B´nei Mitzvah Requirements

B´nei Mitzvah Congregation Shir Shalom Religious School

Attendance at Services:

Students and at least one family member are required to attend at least six

(6) worship services at Congregation Shir Shalom prior to a Bar/Bat Mitzvah

celebration. Attendance at three (3) Friday evening Shabbat Services, not

including family services, and three (3) Saturday morning Bar/Bat Mitzvah



Tzedakah is the Hebrew word for what sometimes is translated as "charity".

However, Tzedakah really means, "doing righteously". It is a positive

commandment of Judaism for a Jew to give money to the needy, be that

an individual or an organization. Eighteen in Judaism stands for "life". In

the spirit of Tzedakah, each student is asked to contribute a minimum of

$18 or multiples of $18 to any legitimate charitable cause; however, we

ask that at least half of the amount be contributed to a Jewish organization

or charity. The Rabbi, Cantor and the Director of Education will be happy

to assist the student in identifying a worthy cause.


Each student is offered a "Three-Speech Opportunity" to be delivered at

the Bar/Bat Mitzvah service - a summary of his/her Torah portion; a

summary of his/her Haftara portion, and a D´var Torah/personal speech.

The Rabbi will provide the format for the speeches and will also meet with

each student to assist with speech preparation and writing.

Other Responsibilities:

It is the responsibility of each student to bring his/her prayer booklet,

Torah/Haftara booklet and tape to all sessions, whether with the Rabbi or

any of his/her other teachers.

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Congregation Shir Shalom of Buffalo, NY
4660 Sheridan Drive  |  Williamsville, New York 14221
716-633-8877 Temple Office  |  716-633-8952 fax  |  716-633-8953 Religious School

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