Torah Thoughts Korah (Numbers 16:1 – 18:32)


The Ayin at the Heart of Anger

To understand the Hebrew word for anger – Ka’as– you need to examine its middle letter – Ayin. Ayinis one of the most mysterious letters in any language. In religious school we equate it with the Alef, a silent letter, often used as a break between words, when spaces were a luxury. But Ayinwas never supposed to be silent. Ayinis what is known as a guttural letter, something that requires you to reach deep into your throat to find the sound. As we have no guttural letters in English, we tend to not pronounce it at all. And that is a shame because the sound of an Ayinfeels like an inexpressible feeling. It is the feeling deep in our gut that is pain, sadness, and confusion wrapped in one. It is anger reduced to a sound.

While the word Ka’asnever occurs in this week’s portion, Parashat Korah, we feel its effects throughout. Anger consumes the rebel forces led by the cleric Korah causing them to lash out against Moses. It consumes Moses when he is unable to quell their revolt. And it consumes God in support of God’s chosen prophet. When the earth opens up to squash the rebel forces the Torah states, Va’tikas Alehem Ha’aretz, “and the earth closed upon them.” The Hebrew word Va’tikas, has the first and last letter of Ka’aswithout its middle Ayin. It’s as if that mysterious letter has been consumed as well.

But we need to hear the Ayin. That is what allows us to empathize with the anger unleashed on us, and the anger we unleash in the world. It is the unresolved pain that has no true expression in words. It is the essence of anger itself. When you feel burning in you or in others, seek out the Ayin. Do not let it be swallowed by the world.  Allow yourself and others to express their pain.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Alex

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Last Updated on 06/15/2018 by wpadm