Letter to Congregation – UPDATE 3/23/20

Dear Congregants,

I hope you and your families are doing as well as can be expected. I’d like to give you a temple status update as we enter the new week. Based on the governor’s workplace order, the temple office is now closed. The staff will work from home, and the necessary business of the temple will continue. The clergy will also work from home and will continue to regularly contact as many of you as possible. The staff and clergy will be checking emails and voicemail messages, and key cellphone numbers will be listed in this email, so you can still contact us when you need us.

There will be an Erev Shabbat service Friday night. Watch your emails for information on what form that service will take.

We will continue to update you by email, social media and the temple app. While all temple events remain cancelled until further notice, we will use Zoom and Facebook live to communicate with you and provide as many functions and gatherings as possible. In fact, as you may have seen, Dr. Yonina Foster is now providing a daily Meditation Moment via Zoom to help you get through this challenging time.

And finally, while laughter may not be the best medicine, it does indeed help, and Dr. Marina Finkelstein has prescribed a daily dose of Jewish humor or trivia, which we will send out by email beginning tomorrow. Thank you to Dan Kester for agreeing to head up this effort.

As always, the temple is here to meet your needs however we can. Thank you for your continued understanding and support. And thank you as always for being part of the Congregation Shir Shalom family.

Cellphone numbers:
Rabbi Alex: 308-4558
Cantor Frank: 845-596-5142
Joanne Marquisee: 432-2995
Bruce Corris: 432-7115

Last Updated on 03/29/2020 by Marc Slonim