The first time I attended a Buffalo Bills game a decade ago, it was half empty. The mood in the stadium was apathetic, fans hardly paying attention to what was going on below on the field. After sixteen years of…
Purim Spiel – Wicked
Torah Thoughts – Toldot – Genesis.25.19-28.9 – “Resetting Our Familial Tables”
The fight between biblical twins Jacob and Esau began in utero. They tussled inside Rebecca’s womb, exactly as they would throughout their lives. More than a difference of personality or any specific grievance, the relationship between the two siblings was…
Torah Thoughts – Chayei Sara – Genesis.23.1-25.18 – “Focus on Our Priorities”
There is a moment in the Abraham story where everything gets real. Not when God plucks him from obscurity and asks him to go to a faraway place in a faraway land. Not when he must beg for the citizens…
Torah Thoughts – Lech Lecha – Genesis.12.1-17.27 – “Becoming a Blessing”
Over four decades ago, Rabbi Daniel Kerman passed away suddenly. For many Temple Beth Am congregants, he was the only rabbi they had ever known. The community was devastated. He was only in his 50s. Our sanctuary is named for…
Torah Thoughts – Bereishit – Genesis.1.1-6.8 – “Our Fantastic Night Sky”
There is quite a lot of confusion as to how the Torah views the world before creation begins. “Tohu VaVohu” is how it is described, often translated as “unformed and void,” but the more literal meaning is that it was…
Torah Thoughts – Sukkot – Exodus 33:12-34:26; Numbers 29:17-22 – “We Will Weather the Coming Storms!”
The first time I officiated at a wedding it was at a beautiful hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. The wedding canopy was set up by a waterfall at the center of a lush garden full of trees and flowers. Just before…
Annual High Holy Days Appeal
Torah Thoughts – Yom Kippur – “Going Below the Surface”
Right after being ordained as a rabbi, I traveled off to the far east to spend a few weeks away from everything. There in the beaches of Thailand, I decided to try my hand at scuba diving. The course was…