A story I often tell kids at this time of year features twin brothers: Nachshon and Noshkan. Nachshon is always early, racing off excitedly to any new venture. Noshkan, on the other hand, takes his time, surveys the landscape before…
Torah Thoughts – Bo – Exodus.10.1-13.16 – “Darkness of Gloom”
When I was a child, I always loved to walk around our house in the dark. I would count the stairs and know exactly how navigate between the couch and chair to make it from my bedroom to the kitchen…
Torah Thoughts – Va’era – Exodus.6.2-9.35 – “The Circle of Life”
At the beginning of Disney’s Lion King, Mustafa takes his young cub Simba out to see the expanse of the kingdom he will one day inherit. As they are looking out at the Sahara, Simba notices buzzards feasting a on…
Torah Thoughts – Shemot – Torah Portion: Exodus 1:1-6:1 – “Moses the Egyptian?”
Back in the late nineties, my sister Mara went down to Egypt with a few friends to visit the pyramids. There she found out that her first name was a curse word in the local dialect. Distraught, she looked it…
Torah Thoughts – Vayechi – Torah Portion: Genesis 47:28-50:26 – “A Toast to Jacob and Taylor Swift!”
Fittingly the Book of Genesis ends just as the New Year comes in. While this is just one of five books of the Torah we have yet to complete, perhaps there is wisdom in this ancient Jewish ritual in how…
Jewish Thought of the Week – Parashat Vayeshev: Genesis 37:1-40:23; Numbers 7:18-23 – “In the Key of Hanukkah”
A few weeks ago, I was asked by the website ritualwell.org to write a Hanukkah poem to represent the hardship the Jewish world has endured since October 7. How could I possibly do this? How could I take a holiday…
Torah Thoughts – Vayshlach – Genesis 32:4-36:43 – “A Kiss From Esau”
Last Friday afternoon in Israel, Shabbat tables were prepared with yellow flowers. Yellow ribbons were tied around candle sticks. In nervous whispers, Israelis held each other tight, waiting for news of the safe return of their loved ones. As the…
Torah Thoughts – Vayeitzei – Genesis 28.10-32.3 – “When Back Meets Forth”
This Thanksgiving my family will be among the estimated 4.7 million Americans traveling back and forth over the long weekend. Thinking about the countless intersecting routes across the country will blow your mind. Cars, trains and planes in constant motion,…
Torah Thoughts – Chayei Sarah – Genesis.23.1-25.18 – “The Meaning of Shloshim”
The one and only question I got wrong on my pre-rabbinical exam was regarding the word Shloshim. I knew the word Shalosh is three and that Shloshim referred to something connected to the number thirty but had absolutely no idea…
Torah Thoughts – Vayera – Genesis 12:1-17:27 – “Opening Our Tents-Opening Our Hearts”
When Abraham sat in the entrance way of his tent in the beginning of this week’s Torah portion Vayera, I am sure he had no idea the precedent he had just started. That simple action was not just a way…