Torah Thoughts Beholetecha 5779 – “My Menorah”

This week’s Torah portion, Beholetecha, begins with the lighting of the menorah.  Menorahs are often some of our most important ritual items, sitting in places of esteem in our home.  But, they are not always the easiest to take care of, with the wax collecting over many years of use.  For those of you who struggle with this particular issue, I would like to share with you words Lillie Klaiman offered last Shabbat at her Bat Mitzvah.  I hope you too will be inspired by what she had to say: 

 “We usually think of a menorah on Hanukkah, but the ancient priests lit a Menorah every single day of the year. I have nine menorahs in my house. They are all special, as they have been given to me by my parents, Uncle Marc, and my grandparents. Some are stuffed, some are electronically lit, one is even an oil menorah. But my favorite one of all is the plainest of the plain, a simple silver menorah with no special design. My safta gave it to me when I was 8 years old, still too young to light it on my own. Now that I can use matches to light it, I take very special care of it. I clean it every night of Hanukkah by washing it in burning hot water, then freezing it. I then peel off any excess wax and polish it. Sure, it might be a little bit extra but my menorah is the cleanest in my house.”

Thank you Lillie for sharing your wisdom and Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah,

Rabbi Alex

Last Updated on 09/05/2019 by Marc Slonim