Torah Thoughts – Lech Lecha – Genesis 12:1-17:27 – “Lech Lecha Moments”

A few weeks ago, our Shabbat morning service group had a decision to make.  After two years of pandemic precautions where we were almost exclusively on Zoom, it was time for us to return to in person gatherings.  The only problem, if we came back together at CSS we would need a security guard to watch over the 8-12 participants in the group. What could we do?  What should we do?  After talking it over, we came up with a solution that would not only enable our group to meet in person but nurture our relationships in the larger community.  Thanks to the support and guidance of our synagogue board, and the leadership at Temple Beth Tzedek, we will now be meeting in the minyan room of our neighboring Conservative congregation.  This is a win-win for Jewish Buffalo.

Our move down the road and the discussion that led to it, is what I would call a Lech Lacha Moment.  Lech Lecha refers to the name of this week’s Torah portion, the story of Abraham and Sarah’s original journey from their homeland in Mesopotamia to the Land of Canaan.  ““Go forth from your native land and from your father’s house to the land that I will show you.” God tells Abraham in Genesis 12:1. Without hesitation, our patriarch and matriarch move forward into the unknown.  Doing so requires faith and courage.  It requires facing the pain of what is left behind, and the uncertainty that lies ahead.

The creation of Shir Shalom ten years ago required a Lech Lecha Moment.  As did countless other decisions we have made along the way, most especially during the pandemic.  Each time we stand on the precipice wondering if we have done the right thing.  And each time we have been rewarded for our willingness to proceed ahead.  Our new Shabbat morning prayer space will require an adjustment.  There will be loss as well as gain.  There will also be questions we can’t yet begin to answer, let alone to ask.  I know, in the end, we will feel that it has been worthwhile.  Join us next Shabbat morning, November 12, at 11 AM for our very first service at Temple Beth Tzedek (1641 North Forest).  Please refrain from bringing outside food and join us for a bagel lunch afterward, sponsored by Temple Beth Tzedek.  Please let Joanne Marquisee know if you are planning on attending.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Alex