Crossing over the sea was never going to be enough. Community isn’t solely formed by escaping from our tormentors. Freedom requires substance, not such following the leader. Here, as we enter the next phase of the Jewish future, immersing ourselves in the wilderness. And, for this, active participation is essential. It is not enough to march in the Israelite parade, you must officially join the community.
That is the beauty of this week’s Torah portion, Terumah, it forces the entirety of the Israelite community to make a choice – give willingly with your heart to the construction of the Tabernacle. More than just a physical structure, the creation of the Mishkan helps create our identity.
In 1897, the leaders of the first World Zionist Congress also were trying to build Klal Yisrael, a sense of Jewish peoplehood. For this, they needed a physical act Jews could offer as a way of contribution. As with the construction of the Tabernacle, the amount donated was less important than it came willingly from the heart. To this end, they created an election – every five years, at the minimal expense of five dollars. This year marks the 39th of these five-year elections. From March 10 through May 4 any person over 18 who considers themselves Jewish can vote just by going to this website – We are encouraging you either to vote with the Reform movement (ARZA) or the Reconstructionist movement (Hatikvah). Many thanks to our CSS WZO chairs Howard and Karen Wiseman for getting the word out about this important cause!
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Alex