I have rarely been prouder of our Western New York Community than I was last Friday. Gathered in a small room on the first floor of the Tri-Main Center were a collection of over two hundred community members who came out in short notice to support our refugee resettlement agencies. Clergy, leaders, reporters, regular folks of every type and stripe, were there to hear from Jewish Family Service CEO Molly Carr and other refugee resettlement leaders about funds that would be needed to overcome a shortfall caused by a stop work order from the federal government. 731 refugees recently brought into Western New York no longer would be receiving money for vital services promised to them by the US State Department in their first three months in the country. The Refugee Partnership Crisis Response Fund has been created to raise the approximately 1.5 million dollars needed to make good on the commitment we have made to support these new Buffalonians. Without which, Jewish Family Services will need to lay off significantly more employees than the fifteen who have already been let go. While the situation is dire, the feeling in the room was full of hope, because here, in Western New York, we are a city of good neighbors who know we can count on another in a time of crisis.
This week’s Torah portion, Yitro, celebrates the ultimate good neighbor, Jethro, who finds the newly formed Israelite nation in utter chaos and decides to help. His suggestion to his son-in-law Moses to create a system of governance helps stabilize our ancestral society in its time of crisis. Instead of standing back when witnessing a problem, Jethrosteps forward to make a huge difference. For this, we are forever grateful!
Standing back as a Buffalonian is not something that is possible. Whether it has been the crash of flight 3407, the attack on Tops Market on May 14th, or the blizzard of 22, Buffalonians step up to the plate. And we will do so now. If you are able, I encourage you to do your part to help make a difference for this central local Jewish agency in its time of need! Thanks in advance for all your many contributions!
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Alex