Torah Thoughts Beshalach – Freedom

Exodus 13:17 – 17:16

In honor of Shabbat Shira, a Shabbat dedicated to song and poetry, I’d like to offer a poem I recently uncovered that I wrote on a trip to Thailand and Cambodia in the summer of 2004.  As this is the week we read in the Torah about the Crossing of the Sea, it seemed appropriate to be thinking about freedom and what it really means to be free in our world today.  Enjoy!


By the big Buddha in Bangkok

we set the birds free.

I did it because I felt sorry for them

not for the luck.

One small bird would not fly.

He sat in the dry, brittle grass,

fidgeting.  You went to see

what was wrong.  I was skeptical.

I thought the birds were trained

to go back to the old woman

who sold us the cage.  For you

it didn’t matter, life was upon us

and you had to take joy in it;

your smile as big as Buddha’s gold.

Later, on the bus

over to Siem Reap, with the

driver honking at peasants,

I thought of the birds

and was happy we set them

free, even if they had just returned

to the cage, even if a few small

birds would never fly away

at all.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Alex

Last Updated on 03/23/2020 by Marc Slonim