Torah Thoughts – Hanukkah

As we approach the first night of Hanukkah on Saturday night (12/24), I want to give you nine reasons I am happy to be part of the CSS community:
  1. Our outstanding office staff led by Joanne Marquisee, who toil quietly in the shadows to ensure we are the best community we can be. This includes our maintenance staff led by Greg Bratton.
  2. Our Chesed Committee led by Adrienne Crandall that has provided dozens of meals to CSS and community members suffering from loss, returning from illness, or celebrating a birth.
  3. Our wonderful Religious School led by Hope Bongiorno that has done a wonderful job of welcoming in Gesher/TBT students and providing a safe, joyful, and great learning environment for all of our students. And extra Kudos to Parent Council, led by Micky Farber and Betsy Zappia, who continue to bring energy and light to our Religious School. 
  4. Our new Cantor, Arlene Frank, who has jazzed up our Friday night services and achieved new musical heights in her short time with our community.
  5. Our Sisterhood and Men’s Group led by Daniel Kester, Jean Messinger and Marina Finkelstein that have enhanced our programmatic calendar on an almost weekly basis, and also step in whenever we need them to volunteer and contribute financially to support our Temple. Our Youth Group led by Shiri Kester who has enhanced youth leadership and participation by engaging our middle and high school age members. 
  6. Our Membership Committee led by Bruce Corris for its outreach to new members and wonderful programs like our recent Cookie Cook-off.
  7. Our new Green Committee led by Joe Morris that has already had a deep impact on making our synagogue more environmentally friendly.
  8. Our Communications Committee led by Marc Slonim who among other things makes sure Torah Thoughts gets sent out.
  9. And, lastly, serving as our Shamash (helper candle), our Officers and Board of Trustees led by Todd Sugarman that keeps our synagogue in good financial standing, as well as providing direction for our future.
To each and everyone one of those individuals I mentioned, as well as countless others who have impacted our synagogue community, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. A wonderful and meaningful Hanukkah to all of our membership, and of course, a Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Alex

Last Updated on 12/23/2016 by wpadm