Torah Thoughts – Lech LachaGenesis 12:1-17:27 – “Election 2020 BCE”

I would like to introduce you to a candidate you may or may not be that familiar with – Abraham ben Terach.

He is a newcomer to the area, but has already made his presence felt. Astute politically, he has made a name for himself with the local tribal leaders, helping to defeat the Five Kings and rescue us from peril. On the international front, being from Mesopotamia, or the region you now call Iraq and Iran, he has deep connections to that part of the world. He also has extensive relations with the super power to the south of us, Egypt, having personally traveled there and made pacts with their current leaders.

And, while you may be questioning business dealings he has with neighboring countries, not to worry, this is a man of integrity, who does not sign side deals or give into corruption, a refreshing change from the same-old, same-old in politics.

Yes, his Gods may be different, but his ideas should not be feared. His God is a universal one, who will take care of the stranger and the orphan in our midst. After all, universal healthcare should be considered a right and not a privilege.

He is welcoming to a fault, keeping his tent open at all times to strangers. He and his wife Sarah, along with their children Isaac and Ishmael, and maidservant Hagar, form a near perfect nuclear family, with multiple faiths and cultures represented in the same household. (Any rumors to the contrary should be ignored, as gross exaggerations by our competitors. The Akeda, binding of Isaac, is a hoax perpetrated by the corrupt media. Fake News!)

Fighting injustice is his passion. Not afraid to speak his mind, he will confront the powers at be, even if they happen to be the Almighty, insisting that the righteous and honorable are protected. If he did this with Sodom and Gomorrah, think of what he can do for you.

In 2020 BCE, a vote for Abraham ben Terach is a vote for the future, one that you can believe in.

(Sponsored by the campaign of Abraham ben Terach – I approve this message –  Abraham ben Terach tells the camera)


Don’t miss the thrill of voting – by Sharon F. Cramer

Blessing for the 2020 election, and beyond

Last Updated on 11/11/2020 by Marc Slonim