Torah Thoughts – Noah

These days “tiny houses” are in. While the typical American family home is over 2600 square feet, a tiny house is between 100 to 400 square feet. People may choose to build a tiny house because of environmental or financial concerns, or just wanting to live a simpler life. They could be stationary, or moveable, either by car, or possibly even by boat. Which leads us to this week’s Torah portion, Pashat Noah, and the original tiny house, Noah’s ark.

Children’s books often try to imagine the experience on Noah’s ark with all of the animals packed in together two by two in 300 cubits worth of space. What a nightmare with predators and prey sleeping side by side. Perhaps, though, we have it wrong and the experience was actually liberating. In the chaos of what life on Earth had become, this was a more peaceful solution. Imagine all of God’s creatures living in harmony, protected not only from the weather, but also from their impulse to spread out and take over. In the end, we have the rainbow, soaring over the sky as a symbol of the beauty of nature. This week I encourage you to think big, by thinking really small. How could we shrink our imprint and feel happier? Noah was able to do it, how about us?

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Alex


Last Updated on 11/04/2016 by wpadm