Torah Thoughts – Toldot – Genesis.25.19-28.9 – “Calling All Israel”

Fittingly, this week where we read about the birth of our namesake Jacob in Parashat Toldot, hundreds of thousands of his children gathered on the National Mall in DC.  There were Jews from every corner of America, from every denomination and no denomination at all, right wing leaning and left, standing tall with one another in support of our beloved homeland of Israel in its time of need.  As the rates of Antisemitic incidents continues to rise to uncomfortable levels, and Israel bashing has become a popular sport, we came to make a statement to one another and to this country we call home.

It was not lost on the organizers that the date chosen for the rally was Rosh Chodesh Kislev, the first day of the month dedicated to the Maccabees.  With Hanukkah fast approaching, we stood like Jews thousands of years ago in the face of persecution and oppression.  We may not all agree on all matters, but this was something all of us could unite behind.  After rising at 3 am with a group of fifty or so Buffalonians, I was proud to stand side by side with my son Boaz representing our community.

Am Yisrael Chai! Let the Descendants of Jacob Live!

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Alex

Last Updated on 11/16/2023 by wpadm